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World Oceans Day

By July 2, 2021Blog, Mindfulness

Happy July as we kick off Chapter 7 of 2021!

Last month saw a virtual celebration of United Nations World Oceans Day highlighting the theme The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods. Aimed at shedding light on humanity’s essential relationship to the ocean. Individuals, communities and industries are encouraged to create positive change to generate measurable impact for our collective wellbeing.
There are always things everyone can do to help care for the oceans.
  1. Reduce your carbon impact
    Use public or cleaner transport, adopt energy-saving options at home, eat locally produced organic food and cut down on meat and dairy.
  2. Ban single-use plastic in the office
    This includes drinks in plastic bottles. Promote the use of reusable items by investing in bamboo coffee cups and metal water bottles for your staff to fill up with drinking water from the tap.
  3. Be a responsible ocean-user
    Treat the ocean with respect, for example your choice of skin protection can have an impact on the ocean. Choose a suncream that does not contain oxybenzone, which is a UV-filtering chemical found in thousands of brands.
  4. Take care of the beach
    Tidy up after yourself and others, and join a global movement to keep beaches, waterways and the ocean rubbish-free.
  5. Look out for ecologically responsible products
    Support efforts by fashion and beauty brands helping save the oceans, such as by making stylish and sustainable products from recycled ocean plastic.
  6. Support organisations that are working to protect the ocean
Help efforts by making a regular donation, or offering your time to work as a volunteer. The National Trust run beach clean events to help clear rubbish that washes up on our shores.

We would quite simply not be able to survive without the oceans.


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