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Improve your Confidence

By May 12, 2023July 10th, 2023Business Support, Business Tips, Mindfulness

We often put immense pressure on ourselves to be liked by everyone. It’s a common desire, driven by the innate need for acceptance and belonging. However, this can come in the way of us forming genuine connections and staying true to ourselves.


Instead of wanting everyone to like you, embrace your uniqueness, values, and passions without fear of judgment. Recognise that it’s okay if not everyone resonates with you or your choices. You can LEARN how to have confidence. 

And it’s never too late to learn these skills so that you are better equipped to survive, thrive, and succeed in the modern world. 

How do you build self-confidence when you notice that you are drawing comparisons? First, remind yourself that doing so isn’t helpful. Everyone is running their own race and life isn’t a competition. Keep a gratitude journal to better recall the areas in life where you are blessed. 

Practice facing some of your fears that stem from a lack of self-confidence. A little self-doubt can even help improve performance. Tell yourself it’s just an experiment and see what happens.

  • Confidence is not something that you gain over night; it can be quite a difficult journey but it is possible! 
  • Own your mistakes and hold yourself accountable for the decisions you make.
  • Offer to help someone in need, even if it doesn’t serve you.
  • Write down 5 things you love about yourself as a reminder of all the things you should be confident about!
  • Wearing something bold and beautiful so you can feel your best.
  • Take a few minutes out in each day to speak positive affirmations to yourself.
  • Distance yourself from any negative energy that may hinder your confidence journey.

The key to embracing your confidence is not allowing your head to talk you out of what your heart is telling you do to. Trust your inner GPS!

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