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How to be brave

By December 22, 2022March 2nd, 2023Business Tips, Mindfulness

One of the greatest things about bravery is that it looks different on everyone.

For some, bravery might be physical acts of defiance like running a marathon and for others, it might be expressing their feelings or standing up for what is right. But one thing everyone’s acts of courage have in common? They’re infectious.

Accepting Where You Are:

  1. Admit that you’re scared
  2. Validate your feelings
  3. Name your fear
  4. Examine your fears
  5. Accept vulnerability
  6. Focus on what you can control

Building Your Confidence:

  1. Find a role model
  2. Develop mental resilience
  3. Challenge negative thoughts
  4. Reject perfectionism
  5. Start every day with self-affirmations
  6. Distance yourself from vour fears
  7. Ask your friends for help
  8. Attempt difficult tasks

Bravery isn’t always a groundbreaking endeavour. It’s a skill that’s practiced and honed over time, through the small acts that you do on the regular. Everything from making a decision to sticking with your personal values counts.

Courage is simply another trait that can be developed with intentional effort and practice. All it takes is the determination to recognise your fears and the willingness to choose to act in spite of them.

And when you identify your fears and take a proactive approach to work through them in order to achieve your goals, you will not only build your self-confidence but you’ll also be more successful overall. Look at your fears as an opportunity to build your courage muscles and before long, you will be able to push through your discomfort and live the kind of life you have always wanted.

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