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5 ways to increase your reach

Social media presence provides another outlet to generate leads that could translate into an increase in sales for your business.

Make sure that your hard efforts are effective! Head over to our website if you are looking for help with social media. In the meantime here are some tips!

The first slide in your carousel, or the headline of your post can make all the difference. Think of those items as an email subject line that would entice a subscriber to open the email

People are on social media to get pitched products every few posts. Mix it up and find ways to surprise and delight your audience.

Share an inspirational story or a favourite quote that impacted you in a low moment . you never know how it may encourage others.

Go behind the scenes, share a tutorial, or post an industry tip that will help your audience save time.

End each post with some type of “call to action”. Let your audience know what the next step is.

It’s always worth remembering that social media is fundamentally about interaction. Everybody wants to get a response and feel seen. So when you’re responsive to your followers, they’ll be encouraged to interact more over time.

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