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4 ways to create shareable content

One of the key methods of growing organically on Instagram, is to create content that is shared by your audience.

  • Appeal to your audience’s values
    Your audience wants to know that the values of your brand or product align with theirs. Connecting their value to your content is one way to show that you care.

  • Trending topic
    Relate content around trends, this involves your community and drives engagement.

  • Engage with the community
    Content ideas will come to you by reading what people have to say about your brand or products. You might learn about other perspectives that you hadn’t considered yet.

  • Spark emotion
    Whether it’s humour, inspiration or education. Content that sparks some form of emotion, typically results in a reshare, showing their friends and family the content that resonated with them.

  • Less about you, more about them
    Self promotion isn’t a bad thing, only when it becomes too much people want to gain something substantial from content instead of being sold something.

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