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Joyful Living

By November 25, 2022February 7th, 2023Uncategorized

Joy is a choice

When you choose to live a life of joy, you are choosing to rise above your circumstances, regardless of the challenges that come your way.

Choosing joy isn’t aways easy, but there are simple steps that can make it more achievable.

Determine what steals your joy
Write down the things that irritate you, overwhelm you, and disappoint you. This way you’ll be able to recognise them and control your response when they happen again.

Move in the direction of joy
Examine your list of things that steal your joy and make shifts to reduce these. Clear some of your schedule, declutter your home, re-set your goals, etc.

Start with gratitude
Begin your days with thankfulness, and shift your mindset from “I want” to “I’m thankful to have”. This will help move your thoughts away from the negative and more into joy. Remember what you do have, what you’ve accomplished, how far you have come.

Give yourself grace
Irritation will come, negative thoughts will pop up. Add it to the list, allow yourself to feel your feelings, then move towards joy tomorrow.

Joyful living is not a sum total of all the choices you make

– Joy is a mindset.