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Visualisation Techniques

By June 10, 2022July 1st, 2022Uncategorized

Visualisation is a powerful tool. When we are using visualisation and picturing something in our “mind’s eye” we activate the same neural pathways in the brain as if we were actually experiencing whatever it is that we’re visualising in real life.

Create a vision board
Pick out images and words that represent your ideal future. Hang them up where you’ll see them every day, so they’re always at the front of your mind.
Exercise your imagination
What would it be like if you had all of the things you want in life? Imagine it! Picture yourself doing them, spending time with people who make you happy, etc.
Practise journalling
Write down what it feels like when you have achieved your goal. How do you feel? What do the surroundings look like? Are there any specific smells or sounds? Get as detailed as possible (and take time out each day or week to write about this). Write about what it will feel like when you get there!
Use positive affirmations
Tell yourself that you’re ready for change! There’s no better way to prime ourselves for success than by repeating what we want over and over again until we believe it’s true.

Visualisation is incredibly powerful. If practiced daily, it can help in all aspects of your life, from accomplishing your goals, being more productive, growing positively as a person, to reducing stress, and much more. Really hope these tips will help you on your way!