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A headline really is the window into the content as a whole.

Whether you’re writing for print or web, marketing or journalism or advertising, you need to create some form of pithy attention grabbing headline.

The primary function is to draw the eye to your work. To hook the reader, intriguing them enough so they read on. It may be witty, punny, or startling.

Keywords are the business appropriate words that you’ve carefully woven throughout your story. Keywords are also related to inciting action a read by using phrases that evoke the kinds of articles people love. For example, words like “Tips” or “How-To”.

Beware of abbreviations and acronyms. If there’s any chance (and there is) that your shortcuts could be misconstrued, err on the side of caution and spell them out.

Headlines are very likely the first thing people see, next to the images.

Guiding questions to consider in writing your headline, could the headline be clearer? How might the headline convey what is unique about the story?

If you find it challenging to come up with a clear headline, take a look at it again. Is it clear what your article/story is about? For this reason, it is useful to articulate a working headline early on.

Creating an attention-grabbing headline is perhaps the most important part of writing content.

Headlines are supposed to pique curiosity, prompt clicks, and convert visitors into actual customers.

Hope these tips help!