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Weekend reminder

By February 4, 2022February 23rd, 2022Business Pitch, Business Support, Business Tips, Mindfulness

Self-care is essential no matter how busy you are. The game changes when you make yourself a priority because it’s hard to be your best when you are running on empty.


To be successful with your self-care routine, you have to schedule it like you would anything else in your life. Prioritise yourself. Still don’t feel like you can spare the time? Try these tips:

    • Break it up. Go for a walk in the evening after dinner. Squeeze in the moments and your relaxation and self-care will amp up considerably.
    • Wake up a little earlier. One area that most of us loathe to give up is our sleep. While sleep is important, if you are finding that you are not getting enough “me time,” you may benefit from waking up a few minutes earlier to have a quiet moment to yourself.
    • Make time to exercise. Choose something you enjoy. Part of any self-care routine should be to get your body moving. Think about what you love and enjoy doing. Then, prioritise that type of exercise.
    • Ask for help. It’s not easy but part of taking care of ourselves means recognising when we can’t do it all. Hire a babysitter so you can get that massage you’ve been wanting. Do whatever you need to take better care of yourself.
    • Find time to laugh. Pick up a book that makes you chuckle. Listen to stand-up comedy routines. Spend time with a friend who makes you smile. You’ll feel lighter and brighter for having taken the time to laugh.

Hope you make time for you this weekend!