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Define your WHY

By January 28, 2022February 23rd, 2022Business Pitch, Business Support, Business Tips, Mindfulness
    1. List three top reasons that you want to succeed.

    2. Make a plan. The plan should include short, medium and long term goals.

    3. Accountability. Share your plan with a friend or family member that is willing to cheer you on and be honest with you.

    4. Make a daily routine and schedule. A winning mindset is built on momentum.

    5. Use visualisations. See yourself and your goals as a campfire. Like a fire you need to keep adjusting it, adding wood to keep the fire going and make it big.

    6. Make a plan for when you fall. Have a system in place that you’re comfortable with to help you evaluate and learn from your mistakes.

    7. Perspective. Goals are destinations and mistakes detours. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you get there.

    8. Having patience will give you the long-burning fuel you need to reach your destination.

    9. We can’t be positive all the time but taking on an optimistic mindset is still worthwhile.